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Total Questions: 15

1. Web Browser is _________ used to access the Internet services and resources available through the World Wide Web.

Correct Answer is : program

2. State true or false. It is faster to render HTML and CSS than to interpret and execute JavaScript.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

3. Nexus is first graphical web browser.

Correct Answer is : FALSE

4. It is a client program that initiates requests to a

Correct Answer is : Web server

5. Web browsers often provide a ________ that lets users click icons, buttons, and menu options to view and navigate Web pages.

Correct Answer is : graphical interface

6. The majority of these Web sites use the

Correct Answer is : HTTP

7. Tim Berners-Lee created the ever first Web browser, WorldWideWeb, in year

Correct Answer is : 1990

8. A Rendering engine is not responsible for ________

Correct Answer is : parsing style information (CSS only)

9. Firefox uses _________ rendering engine.

Correct Answer is : Gecko

10. What is the use of “defer” attribute?

Correct Answer is : It defers script execution until the page has been rendered

11. Which of the following statements is false?

Correct Answer is : all older browsers supports async attribute

12. Which of the following is used to read a HTML page and render it?

Correct Answer is : Web browser

13. Which of the following is the first web browser?

Correct Answer is : Nexus

14. Who created the first web browser

Correct Answer is : Tim Berners Lee

15. The open source software version of netscape is _________

Correct Answer is : Mozilla