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Total Questions: 20

1. What are the parts of the literal constants?

Correct Answer is : Output in C is 1 and in C++ is 1

2. How are the constants declared?

Correct Answer is : struct STRUCT S;

3. Which of the following statement is not true about preprocessor directives?

Correct Answer is : 1

4. Regarding the following statement which of the statements is true?     const int a = 100;

Correct Answer is : Error

5. How to declare a wide character in the string literal?

Correct Answer is : 0

6. What is the role of a constructor in classes?

Correct Answer is : cin: garbage value

7. Why constructors are efficient instead of a function init() defined by the user to initialize the data members of an object?

Correct Answer is : Array element access

8. What will be the output of the following C++ code? #include #include using namespace std; class A{ int a; public: A(int i){ a = i; } void assign(int i){ a = i; } int return_value(){ return a; } }; int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { A obj; obj.assign(5); cout<
Correct Answer is : All members of a class

9. What will be the output of the following C++ code? #include #include using namespace std; class A{ int a; A(){ a = 5; }   public: void assign(int i){ a = i; } int return_value(){ return a; } }; int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { A obj; obj.assign(10); cout<
Correct Answer is : 4 and 1

10. In the following C++ code how many times the string “A’s constructor called” will be printed? #include #include using namespace std; class A{ int a; public: A(){ cout<<"A's constructor called"; } }; class B{ static A a; public: B(){ cout<<"B's constructor called"; } static A get(){ return a; } }; A B::a; int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { B b; A a1 = b.get(); A a2 = b.get(); A a3 = b.get(); }

Correct Answer is : 1 and 1

11. What happens if a user forgets to define a constructor inside a class?

Correct Answer is : struct is not required in C++ but required in C while declaring an object of the structure

12. How many parameters does a default constructor require?

Correct Answer is : struct cannot have member function in C but it can in C++

13. How constructors are different from other member functions of the class?

Correct Answer is : The program gives an error in case of C but runs perfectly in case of C++

14. How many types of constructors are there in C++?

Correct Answer is : The program gives an error in case of C but runs perfectly in case of C++

15. What is the output of the following C++ code? #include #include using namespace std; class A{ mutable int a; public: A(){ cout<<"Default constructor called\n"; } A(const A& a){ cout<<"Copy Constructor called\n"; } }; int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { A obj; A a1 = obj; A a2(obj); }

Correct Answer is : The program gives an error in case of C but runs perfectly in case of C++

16. What is the output of the following C++ code? #include #include using namespace std; class A{ mutable int a; public: A(){ cout<<"A's default constructor called\n"; } A(const A& a){ cout<<"A's copy Constructor called\n"; } }; class B{ A obj; public: B(){ cout<<"B's Constructor called\n"; } }; int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { B b1; B b2; }

Correct Answer is : Structure in C++ allows Constructor definition

17. What is the role of destructors in Classes?

Correct Answer is : The program gives an error in case of C but runs perfectly in case of C++

18. What is syntax of defining a destructor of class A?

Correct Answer is : this pointer is passed as a hidden argument in all non-static functions of a class

19. When destructors are called?

Correct Answer is : ->

20. What is the difference between constructors and destructors?

Correct Answer is : To access the members of a class which have the same name as local variables in that scope