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Total Questions: 20

1. How destructor overloading is done?

Correct Answer is : 1

2. How many sets of requirements are need in designing a container?

Correct Answer is : 1

3. Which interface in the container is required for storage management?

Correct Answer is : outside the regular code

4. Which is present in the basic interface of the allocator interface?

Correct Answer is : outside the regular code

5. Which container provides random access iterators?

Correct Answer is : try

6. Which is used for manually writing lookup table?

Correct Answer is : exception arised

7. How can the member functions in the container be accessed?

Correct Answer is : 5

8. Which of the following type does the container should define?

Correct Answer is : 5

9. Which are the parameters for the content of the buffer?

Correct Answer is : Division by zero condition!

10. What is the return type of the conversion operator?

Correct Answer is : Division by zero condition!

11. Why we use the “dynamic_cast” type conversion?

Correct Answer is : is not a valid operator

12. How many parameters does a conversion operator may take?

Correct Answer is : is not a valid operator

13. How are types therein user-defined conversion?

Correct Answer is : copy-constructor

14. Pick out the correct syntax of operator conversion.

Correct Answer is : isalpha()

15. Choose the correct option. extern int i; int i;

Correct Answer is : isalnum()

16. Which of the given statements are false. 1. extern int func; 2. extern int func2(int,int); 3. int func2(int,int); 4. extern class foo;

Correct Answer is : isdigit()

17. Pick the right option Statement 1:Global values are not initialized by the stream. Statement 2:Local values are implicitly initialised to 0.

Correct Answer is : isblank()

18. Can two functions declare variables(non static) with the same name.

Correct Answer is : iscntrl()

19. Identify the incorrect statements. int var = 10; int *ptr = &(var + 1); //statement 1 int *ptr2 = &var; //statement 2 &&var = 40; //statement 3

Correct Answer is : ispunct()

20. Identify the type of the variables. typedef char* CHAR; CHAR p,q;

Correct Answer is : 1.11E+11