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Total Questions: 20

1. Point out the wrong statement :

Correct Answer is : Represent the point of execution in the program

2. When you add a software stack, such as an operating system and applications to the service, the model shifts to _____ model.

Correct Answer is : Sequence point will resolve all the side effects

3. _______ is a pay-as-you-go model matches resources to need on an ongoing basis.

Correct Answer is : Function

4. _______ feature allows you to optimize your system and capture all possible transactions.

Correct Answer is : Null-terminated sequences

5. _______ enables batch processing, which greatly speeds up high-processing applications.

Correct Answer is : Non-overlap

6. Which of the following is a worldwide content caching and delivery system for Windows Azure blob content ?

Correct Answer is : Hello world

7. SQL Azure is a cloud-based relational database service that is based on:

Correct Answer is : 1 9 3 7 5

8. Which of the following was formerly called SQL Server Data Service ?

Correct Answer is : After a terminating semicolon

9. Azure data is replicated ________ times for data protection and writes are checked for consistency.

Correct Answer is : A stream of well-defined characters

10. SQL Azure Database looks like and behaves like a local database with a few exceptions like:

Correct Answer is : array of characters

11. Which of the following Azure edition has storage up to 10GB database ?

Correct Answer is : Character-Array has a dynamic size

12. Microsoft offers a _______ calculator for the Windows Azure Platform.

Correct Answer is : String objects have a dynamic size

13. The connection between storage and Microsoft’s Content Delivery Network is stated to be at least _______ percent uptime.

Correct Answer is : Input provided by the user

14. Which of the following flag is used by backup software to specify whether a file should be backed up or not ?

Correct Answer is : H

15. Which of the following backups are faster and more efficient from a storage perspective ?

Correct Answer is : Depends on the length of the string entered by the user

16. Which of the following backups creates a full backup first and then periodically synchronizes the full copy with the live version ?

Correct Answer is : Hello

17. Which of the following backup is used by Apple’s Time Machine ?

Correct Answer is : #include

18. Which of the following backup create a cloned copy of your current data or drive ?

Correct Answer is : Error

19. Which of the following backup systems are expensive and highly customized to a particular application such as SQL Server ?

Correct Answer is : Hello World

20. Which of the following is useful for legal compliance or to provide a long-term historical record ?

Correct Answer is : 1 and 2