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Total Questions: 20

1. Which of the following data structure can provide efficient searching of the elements?

Correct Answer is : transition-timing-function

2. LLRB maintains 1-1 correspondence with 2–3 trees.

Correct Answer is : animation-delay

3. Which of the following is not true about the 2-3 tree?

Correct Answer is : animation-direction

4. AVL trees provide better insertion the 2-3 trees.

Correct Answer is : animation-duration

5. Which of the following is false?

Correct Answer is : animation-iteration-count

6. AA Trees are implemented using?

Correct Answer is : none of the mentioned

7. Which of the following is the correct definition for a horizontal link?

Correct Answer is : all of the mentioned

8. How will you remove a left horizontal link in an AA-tree?

Correct Answer is : @media screen

9. What are the two different operations done in an AA-Tree?

Correct Answer is : @keyframes

10. In an AA-tree, we process split first, followed by a skew.

Correct Answer is : bootstrap

11. How many different shapes does maintenance of AA-Tree need to consider?

Correct Answer is :

12. What is the prime condition of AA-tree which makes it simpler than a red-black tree?

Correct Answer is : If the browser window is smaller than 500px, the background color will change to lightblue:

13. Which of the following trees is similar to that of an AA-Tree?

Correct Answer is : web page will have a lighblue background if the orientation is in landscape mode

14. What is the worst case analysis of an AA-Tree?

Correct Answer is : binding

15. AA-Trees makes more rotations than a red-black tree.

Correct Answer is : When the screen gets smaller than 768px, each column should have a width of 100%.

16. Who is the inventor of AA-Tree?

Correct Answer is : animation

17. What should be the condition for the level of a left node?

Correct Answer is : Scalable Vector Graphics

18. Of the following rules that are followed by an AA-tree, which of the following is incorrect? 1- Only right children can be red 2- Procedures are coded recursively 3- Instead of storing colors, the level of a node is stored 4- There should not be any left children

Correct Answer is :

19. In the given figure, find ‘?’.

Correct Answer is :

20. Comparing the speed of execution of Red-Black trees and AA-trees, which one has the faster search time?

Correct Answer is :