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Total Questions: 20

1. To restore the AVL property after inserting a element, we start at the insertion point and move towards root of that tree. is this statement true?

Correct Answer is : hover

2. Given an empty AVL tree, how would you construct AVL tree when a set of numbers are given without performing any rotations?

Correct Answer is : scale()

3. What maximum difference in heights between the leafs of a AVL tree is possible?

Correct Answer is : translate()

4. Consider the pseudo code: int avl(binarysearchtree root): if(not root) return 0 left_tree_height = avl(left_of_root)   if(left_tree_height== -1) return left_tree_height   right_tree_height= avl(right_of_root)   if(right_tree_height==-1) return right_tree_height Does the above code can check if a binary search tree is an AVL tree?

Correct Answer is : transition-timing-function

5. Consider the below left-left rotation pseudo code where the node contains value pointers to left, right child nodes and a height value and Height() function returns height value stored at a particular node. avltree leftrotation(avltreenode z): avltreenode w =x-left x-left=w-right w-right=x x-height=max(Height(x-left),Height(x-right))+1 w-height=max(missing)+1 return w What is missing?

Correct Answer is : skewX()

6. Why to prefer red-black trees over AVL trees?

Correct Answer is : skew()

7. Which of the following is the most widely used external memory data structure?

Correct Answer is : ease-in

8. B-tree of order n is a order-n multiway tree in which each non-root node contains __________

Correct Answer is : ease

9. A B-tree of order 4 and of height 3 will have a maximum of _______ keys.

Correct Answer is : cubic-bezier(n,n,n,n)

10. Five node splitting operations occurred when an entry is inserted into a B-tree. Then how many nodes are written?

Correct Answer is : matrix()

11. B-tree and AVL tree have the same worst case time complexity for insertion and deletion.

Correct Answer is : box-sizing

12. 2-3-4 trees are B-trees of order 4. They are an isometric of _____ trees.

Correct Answer is : arrow-down

13. Figure shown below is B-tree of order 5. What is the result of deleting 130 from the tree?

Correct Answer is : nav-index

14. What is the best case height of a B-tree of order n and which has k keys?

Correct Answer is : inital

15. Compression techniques can be used on the keys to reduce both space and time requirements in a B-tree.

Correct Answer is : outline

16. Which of the following is true?

Correct Answer is : length

17. In a B+ tree, both the internal nodes and the leaves have keys.

Correct Answer is : length

18. Which of the following is true?

Correct Answer is : nav-up

19. A B+ tree can contain a maximum of 7 pointers in a node. What is the minimum number of keys in leaves?

Correct Answer is : nav-side

20. Which of the following is false?

Correct Answer is : inherit