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Total Questions: 20

1. What is the space complexity of searching in a heap?

Correct Answer is : transition-property

2. What is the best case complexity in builading a heap?

Correct Answer is : none of the mentioned

3. Given the code ,choose the correct option that is consistent with the code build(A,i) left-> 2*i right->2*i +1 temp- > i if(left<= heap_length[A] ans A[left] >A[temp]) temp -> left if (right = heap_length[A] and A[right] > A[temp]) temp->right if temp!= i swap(A[i],A[temp]) build(A,temp) Here A is the heap

Correct Answer is : elliptical-gradient()

4. What is the location of parent node for any arbitary node i?

Correct Answer is : repeat-radial-gradient()

5. State the complexity of algorithm gien below int function(vector arr) int len=arr.length(); if(len==0) return; temp=arr[len-1]; arr.pop_back(); return temp;

Correct Answer is : -mac-linear-gradient()

6. Given an array of element 5,7,9,1,3,10,8,4. Tick all the correct sequences of elements after inserting all the elements in a min-heap.

Correct Answer is : Time

7. For construction of a binary heap with property that parent node has value less than child node.In reference to that which line is incorrect. Line indexed from 1. add(int k) { heap_size++; int i = heap_size - 1; harr[i] = k; while (i != 0 && harr[parent(i)] < harr[i]) { swap(&harr[i], &harr[parent(i)]); i = parent(i); } }

Correct Answer is : gradient

8. Which of the following is false about a binary search tree?

Correct Answer is : Creating Repeating Radial Gradients

9. How to search for a key in a binary search tree?

Correct Answer is : Creating Diagonal Stripes

10. What is the speciality about the inorder traversal of a binary search tree?

Correct Answer is : Creating a Smooth Repeating Gradient

11. What does the following piece of code do? public void func(Tree root) { func(root.left()); func(root.right()); System.out.println(root.data()); }

Correct Answer is : accelerator

12. What does the following piece of code do? public void func(Tree root) { System.out.println(root.data()); func(root.left()); func(root.right()); }

Correct Answer is : animation-name

13. How will you find the minimum element in a binary search tree?

Correct Answer is : animation-iteration-count

14. How will you find the maximum element in a binary search tree?

Correct Answer is : backface-visibility

15. What are the worst case and average case complexities of a binary search tree?

Correct Answer is : binding

16. Given that 2 elements are present in the tree, write a function to find the LCA(Least Common Ancestor) of the 2 elements.

Correct Answer is : column-width

17. What are the conditions for an optimal binary search tree and what is its advantage?

Correct Answer is : filter

18. What is the maximum number of children that a binary tree node can have?

Correct Answer is : image-rendering

19. The following given tree is an example for?

Correct Answer is : marquee-direction

20. A binary tree is a rooted tree but not an ordered tree.

Correct Answer is : mask