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Total Questions: 20

1. The main distinguishable characterstic of a binomial heap from a binary heap is that

Correct Answer is : For use with all devices

2. The number of trees in a binomial heap with n nodes is

Correct Answer is : For use with projected media (direct computer-to-projector presentations), or printing transparencies for projection.

3. In a binomial heap the root value is greater than left child and less than right child.

Correct Answer is : For use with low-resolution teletypes, terminals, or other devices with limited display capabilities.

4. Given the pseudo code, state whether the function for merging of two heap is correct or not? mergeTree(p,q) if p.root.value <= q.root.value return p.addTree(q) else return q.addTree(p)

Correct Answer is : For use with speech synthesizers

5. What is order of resultant heap after merging two tree of order k?

Correct Answer is : For use with speech synthesizers

6. Time taken in decreasing the node value in a binomial heap is

Correct Answer is : @media

7. What does this pseudo_code return ? int myfun(heap_arr[]) { int mini=INF; for(int i=0;i
Correct Answer is : both Specify the target medium from a style sheet with the @media or @import at-rules and Specify the target medium within the document language

8. Which of these operations have same complexities?

Correct Answer is : media

9. The Statement “Fibonacci heap has better amortized running time in compare to a binomial heap”.

Correct Answer is : FALSE

10. Given a heap of n nodes.The maximum number of tree for building the heap is.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

11. Choose the option with function having same complexity for a fibonacci heap.

Correct Answer is : *

12. What is wrong with the following code of insertion in fibonacci heap. Choose the correct option FIB-INSERT(H, x) degree[x]= 0 p[x]= NIL child[x] =NIL left[x] =x right[x] =x mark[x] =FALSE concatenate the root list containing x with root list H if min[H] = NIL or key[x] > key[min[H]] then min[H]= x n[H]= n[H] + 1

Correct Answer is : counter()

13. What will be the order of new heap created after union of heap H1 and H2 when created by the following code.Initially both are of the order n. FIB_UNION(H1,H2) { H =MAKE_HEAP() min[H]= min[H1] concatenate the root list of H2 with the root list of H if (min[H1] = NIL) or (min[H2]!= NIL and min[H2] < min[H1]) then min[H] = min[H2] n[H]= n[H1] + n[H2] free the objects H1 and H2 return H }

Correct Answer is : border-image-slice

14. What is a bit array?

Correct Answer is : TTF

15. Which of the following bitwise operations will you use to set a particular bit to 1?

Correct Answer is : OTF

16. Which of the following bitwise operations will you use to set a particular bit to 0?

Correct Answer is : WOFF

17. Which of the following bitwise operations will you use to toggle a particular bit?

Correct Answer is : alternate

18. Which of the following is an advantage of bit array?

Correct Answer is : ease-in

19. Identify the disadvantages of bit array.

Correct Answer is : 4

20. What are some of the applications of bit arrays?

Correct Answer is : @keyframes