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Interview question based on skill :

Take as many assements as you can to improve your validate your skill rating

Total Questions: 5

1. Which of the following about case notes in NOT true?

Correct Answer is : None of the above

2. What is the minimum number of monthly contacts we should have with each participant?

Correct Answer is : 2

3. Why do participants sign the "Acknowledgement of Receipt of NOtice of Privacy Practice"?

Correct Answer is : To acknowledge receipt of the Notice of Privacy Practice

4. Please complete the following sentence about what case management is. Case management is a ________________ in which we help people realize their full potential, set ___________, develop and implement plans to reach their goals with the ultimate mission of becoming _______________.

Correct Answer is : Process, goals, self-sufficient

5. If the participant is NOT his own guardian, what should you fill in on the Intake and Orientation Acknowledgement Forms Legal Status section?

Correct Answer is : Check "Yes" under Legal Status:Self Guardian and enter the name of his legal guardian