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Total Questions: 20

1. If you have a local version of a file, then a version of that file stored in the cloud conforms to all three of the ______ backup rules.

Correct Answer is : 37623

2. Point out the correct statement:

Correct Answer is : An archive removes older information that is no longer operational and saves it for long-term storage

3. Which of the following is first rule according to 3-2-1 Backup Rule by Peter Krogh ?

Correct Answer is : One copy must be stored offsite

4. Which of the following is incorrect feature of cloud storage backup solution ?

Correct Answer is : Low Encryption

5. Point out the wrong statement:

Correct Answer is : Incremental backup analyzes the transactions that are in progress

6. Which of the following is most important feature of cloud storage listed below ?

Correct Answer is : Logon authentication

7. How many bits of encryption is at least required for cloud backup storage solution ?

Correct Answer is : 128

8. Which of the following is the most important client to back up in the cloud ?

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

9. Which of the following service does not support backup on Linux platform ?

Correct Answer is : Backblaze

10. Which of the following is least important feature of cloud storage listed below ?

Correct Answer is : Multisite storage or replication

11. Which of the following sells a server referred to as Cloud Attached Storage ?

Correct Answer is : CTERA

12. Point out the correct statement:

Correct Answer is : The CTERA Cloud Attached Storage backup server has the attributes of a NAS

13. The development of systems on a chip has enabled CTERA to create a scaled-down version of the CTERA server called the CTERA __________

Correct Answer is : CloudPlug

14. Which of the following filesystem can be backed up by CloudPlug ?

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

15. Point out the wrong statement:

Correct Answer is : None of the mentioned

16. Which of the following is open cloud storage management standard by SNIA ?

Correct Answer is : CDMI

17. Which of the following standard uses the same authorization and authentication mechanism as CDMI ?

Correct Answer is : NFS

18. While working with storage domain model, CDMI allows for interoperation of which of the following clouds ?

Correct Answer is : all of the mentioned

19. In the Cloud Data Management Interface (CDMI), the storage space is partitioned into units called _________

Correct Answer is : containers

20. Which of the following server performs the backups of clients without requiring any client-based software ?

Correct Answer is : CTERA