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Total Questions: 15

1. In proximate analysis, which of the following elements can be found?

Correct Answer is : % of moisture content

2. From the raw piece, coal is manufactured by________

Correct Answer is : perfectly crushed

3. The moisture content in the coal can be given by heating the coal for _____ hours.

Correct Answer is : 1

4. To find the % of volatile matter in coal, it must be heated in the crucible at ______ temperature.

Correct Answer is : 9250C+200C

5. To calculate the % of ash content the dry coal is heated in ____________

Correct Answer is : muffle furnace

6. The % of the fixed carbon can be given by:

Correct Answer is : %C=100-(% of moisture+% of volatile matter+% of ash)

7. High % of moisture is undesirable because _________

Correct Answer is : increases the cost of transport

8. The moisturizing the coal before introducing into furnace is called as:

Correct Answer is : tempering

9. Ultimate analysis of coal is also called as:

Correct Answer is : qualitative analysis

10. In determination of % of C and H, the coal is burnt in the stream of _______

Correct Answer is : pure oxygen

11. % of nitrogen can be determined by the process:

Correct Answer is : kjeldahl’s method

12. During metallurgical operations, n2 causes ___________

Correct Answer is : hardness to sample

13. Weight of the coal is 2g and after heating the coal sample, the weight of the coal is 1.82g. What is the % of the moisture in coal?

Correct Answer is : 0.09

14. Find the % of C from following data: % of moisture:10g % of volatile matter:9.5g % of ash:11.6g

Correct Answer is : 68.9g

15. An increase in 1% of percentage of oxygen decreases the calorific value by ________

Correct Answer is : 0.017