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Total Questions: 9

1. Which of the following tool is used for purpose of data auditing for SQL Server only?

Correct Answer is : ApexSQL

2. Point out the correct statement:

Correct Answer is : The CREATE SERVER AUDIT statement is in a transaction scope

3. Which of the following object is only available for audit actions in Create Server Audit Specification?

Correct Answer is : Object Name

4. Selecting the _________ option can allow unaudited activity which could violate your security policies.

Correct Answer is : Continue

5. Which of the following code creates a server audit called “HIPPA_Audit” with a binary file as the target and no options?

Correct Answer is : CREATE SERVER AUDIT HIPAA_Audit TO FILE ( FILEPATH ='\\SQLPROD_1\Audit\' );

6. Which of the following code Enables the audit ‘HIPAA_Audit’?


7. Which of the following code creates database audit specification ?

Correct Answer is : CREATE DATABASE AUDIT SPECIFICATION Audit_Pay_Tables FOR SERVER AUDIT Payrole_Security_Audit ADD (SELECT , INSERT ON HumanResources.EmployeePayHistory BY dbo ) WITH (STATE = ON) ;

8. Which of the following views log from a file that is named \\serverName\Audit\HIPPA_AUDIT.sqlaudit ?

Correct Answer is : SELECT * FROM sys.fn_get_audit_file (‘\\serverName\Audit\HIPPA_AUDIT.sqlaudit’, default,default);

9. Which of the following statement is used to enable auditing from SQL Server ?

Correct Answer is : auditpol /set /subcategory:”application generated” /success:enable /failure:enable