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Total Questions: 10

1. Which of the following compression type is supported by SQL Server 2014 ?

Correct Answer is : Both row and column

2. Point out the correct statement :

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

3. Use _________ data compression to compress columnstore data with archival compression.


4. To remove archival compression and restore the data to columnstore compression :

Correct Answer is : Use ALTER TABLE

5. Point out the wrong statement :

Correct Answer is : You can enable or disable ROW or PAGE compression in online state only

6. The data_compression and data_compression_desc columns include :

Correct Answer is : COLUMNSTORE

7. Which of the following code is used to enable compression on a table ?

Correct Answer is : EXEC sp_estimate_compression_savings 'Production', 'TransactionHistory', NULL, NULL, 'ROW' ; ALTER TABLE Production.TransactionHistory REBUILD PARTITION = ALL WITH (DATA_COMPRESSION = ROW);

8. What is the purpose of schema name in the following code syntax ? sp_estimate_data_compression_savings [ @schema_name = ] 'schema_name' , [ @object_name = ] 'object_name' , [@index_id = ] index_id , [@partition_number = ] partition_number , [@data_compression = ] 'data_compression' [;]

Correct Answer is : Name of the database schema

9. sp_estimate_data_compression_savings requires ______ permission on the table.

Correct Answer is : SELECT

10. Which of the following query estimates the size of the Production.WorkOrderRouting table if it is compressed by using ROW compression ?

Correct Answer is : EXEC sp_estimate_data_compression_savings ‘Production’, ‘WorkOrderRouting’, NULL, NULL, ‘ROW’ ;