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Interview question based on skill :

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Total Questions: 5

1. How do we save a document on a desktop ?

Correct Answer is : Click on File < Save As < type the Name < select desktop

2. How do you add an attachment in a mail ?

Correct Answer is : Click Compose > Click on attach > Browse and select the File

3. After Posting an Add Online, If you Receive a message saying "Awaiting Approval", What does it Mean ?

Correct Answer is : The Ad will Be Posted once it's Approved

4. Please select the Browser to Surf Internet ?

Correct Answer is : Internet Explorer , Mozilla

5. Keyboard Shortcuts , please specify ( Eg : CTRL + A is to Select all ) , Similarly , CTRL+C: CTRL+X: CTRL+V: CTRL+Z:

Correct Answer is : CTRL+C= COPY ; CTRL+X=CUT; CTRL+V=PASTE ; CTRL + Z = UNDO