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Total Questions: 20

1. In what time can a leftist heap be built?

Correct Answer is : TRUE

2. What is the order of a matrix?

Correct Answer is : .describe()

3. Which of the following property does not hold for matrix multiplication?

Correct Answer is : Categorical.rename_categories()

4. How do you allocate a matrix using a single pointer in C?(r and c are the number of rows and columns respectively)

Correct Answer is : TRUE

5. Select the code snippet which performs matrix multiplication.(a and b are the two given matrices, resultant marix is c)

Correct Answer is : None of the Mentioned

6. What does the following piece of code do? for(int i = 0; i < row; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < column; j++) { if(i == j) sum = sum + (array[i][j]); } } System.out.println(sum);

Correct Answer is : Least square is an estimation tool

7. If row-major order is used, how is the following matrix stored in memory? a b c d e f g h i

Correct Answer is : 6

8. If column-major order is used, how is the following matrix stored in memory? a b c d e f g h i

Correct Answer is : None of the Mentioned

9. Which of the following are the uses of matrices?

Correct Answer is : Simple linear regression is equipped to handle more than one predictor

10. What is the disadvantage of matrices?

Correct Answer is : Boosting

11. Matrix A when multiplied with Matrix C gives the Identity matrix I, what is C?

Correct Answer is : R

12. Which technique is used for finding similarity between two sets?

Correct Answer is : Bootstrap aggregating

13. Who invented the MinHash technique?

Correct Answer is : Original version of data

14. Which technique was firstly used to remove duplicate web pages from search results in AltaVista search engine?

Correct Answer is : FALSE

15. Which technique was firstly used clustering documents using the similarity of two words or strings?

Correct Answer is : Principle 3

16. Which indicator is used for similarity between two sets?

Correct Answer is : Descriptions can be generalized without statistical modelling

17. Which of the following is defined as the ratio of total elements of intersection and union of two sets?

Correct Answer is : Exploratory

18. What is the value of the Jaccard index when the two sets are disjoint? A) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 0

Correct Answer is : git command -m

19. When are the members of two sets more common relatively?

Correct Answer is : Exploratory analyses are usually the final way

20. What is the expected error for estimating the Jaccard index using MinHash scheme for k different hash functions?

Correct Answer is : Predictive