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Total Questions: 14

1. How many hashes will be needed for calculating Jaccard index with an expected error less than or equal to 0.05?

Correct Answer is : Inference

2. What is the expected error by the estimator Chernoff bound on the samples performed without replacement?

Correct Answer is : Causal

3. What is the time required for single variant hashing to maintain the minimum hash queue?

Correct Answer is : Inferential

4. How many bits are needed to specify the single permutation by min-wise independent family?

Correct Answer is : FALSE

5. Is MinHash used as a tool for association rule learning.

Correct Answer is : Exploratory

6. Did Google conduct a large evaluation for comparing the performance by two technique MinHash and SimHash.

Correct Answer is : Correlation does imply causation

7. Descending priority queue can be implemented using ______

Correct Answer is : Inferential

8. Min heap can be used to implement selection sort.

Correct Answer is : Causal

9. Which of the following is the valid min heap?

Correct Answer is : Inference involves estimating uncertainty

10. The procedure given below is used to maintain min-order in the min heap. Find out the missing statements, represented as X. procedure TrickleDownMin(i) if A[i] has children then m := index of smallest of the children or grandchildren (if any) of A[i] if A[m] is a grandchild of A[i] then if A[m] < A[i] then swap A[i] and A[m] X: _______________________ ____________________ endif TrickleDownMin(m) endif else //{A[m] is a child of A[i]} if A[m] < A[i] then swap A[i] and A[m] endif endif

Correct Answer is : Causal

11. The ascending heap property is ___________

Correct Answer is : Descriptive

12. The procedure FindMin() to find the minimum element and the procedure DeleteMin() to delete the minimum element in min heap take _________

Correct Answer is : Mechanistic

13. Which one of the following array elements represents a binary min heap?

Correct Answer is : Mechanistic

14. In a binary min heap containing n elements, the largest element can be found in __________ time.

Correct Answer is : TRUE