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Total Questions: 15

1. Expansion of FTP is

Correct Answer is : File Transfer Protocol

2. FTP is built on _____ architecture

Correct Answer is : Client-server

3. FTP uses _________ parallel TCP connections to transfer a file

Correct Answer is : 2

4. Identify the incorrect statement

Correct Answer is : FTP sends its control information in-band

5. If 5 files are transfered from server A to client B in the same session. The number of TCP connection between A and B is

Correct Answer is : 6

6. FTP server listens for connection on port number

Correct Answer is : 21

7. In FTP protocol, client contacts server using ____ as the transport protocol.

Correct Answer is : transmission control protocol

8. In which mode FTP, the client initiates both the control and data connections.

Correct Answer is : passive mode

9. The file transfer protocol is built on

Correct Answer is : client server architecture

10. In file transfer protocol, data transfer can be done in

Correct Answer is : all of the mentioned

11. FTP server

Correct Answer is : Mantains state

12. The commands, from client to server, and replies, from server to client, are sent across the control connection in ________ bit ASCII format

Correct Answer is : 7

13. Find the FTP reply whose message is wrongly matched

Correct Answer is : 452 – Can’t open data connection

14. Mode of data transfer in FTP, where all the is left to TCP

Correct Answer is : Stream mode

15. The password is sent to the server using ________ command

Correct Answer is : PASS