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Total Questions: 20

1. How many standard color names does HTML supports?

Correct Answer is : 140

2. Which of the following is not set with font-style property?

Correct Answer is : font-style: capitalize

3. What should be set with text-align property so that every line has equal width like in magazines and newspapers?

Correct Answer is : text-align: justify

4. Which of the following is not used with text-decoration property?

Correct Answer is : inline

5. Which element is used for short quote?

Correct Answer is :

6. Which element is used for abbreviation or acronym?

Correct Answer is :

7. What is the work of

Correct Answer is : contains contact details for author

8. To show deleted text, which element is used?

Correct Answer is :

9. Which element is used to show inserted element?

Correct Answer is :

10. How element works?

Correct Answer is : override text direction

11. Which property is similar to C/C++ can be applied to comments?

Correct Answer is : ifelse

12. URL is ___________

Correct Answer is : web address

13. What is the correct syntax of web address?

Correct Answer is : scheme://prefix.domain:port/path/filename

14. Which scheme is used for secure HyperText Transfer Protocol?

Correct Answer is : https

15. ASCII is _____________

Correct Answer is : 7-bit character set

16. In URL encoding replaces non-ASCII characters with ________

Correct Answer is : “%”

17. Which function is used in JavaScript for URL encoding?

Correct Answer is : encodeURI()

18. What is URL encode of ‘&’?

Correct Answer is : 0.26

19. Which of the following is not a reserved character?

Correct Answer is : >

20. What is the URL Encode for tab character?

Correct Answer is : 0.09