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Total Questions: 20

1. Which of the following is not the parameter for email link?

Correct Answer is : #

2. Which one of the following is used for space character?

Correct Answer is : 0.2

3. What will add line break in the body of mail?

Correct Answer is : %0D%0A

4. Which of the following works as a sidebar?

Correct Answer is :

5. Which of the following can’t be the value of float property?

Correct Answer is : center

6. Which of the following can’t be the value of a clear property?

Correct Answer is : center

7. Which of the following specifies what happens if content overflow an element’s box?

Correct Answer is : overflow

8. Which of the following was not previous layout mode?

Correct Answer is : Flexbox layout

9. Which property defines in which direction the container wants to stack flex items?

Correct Answer is : flex-direction

10. Which property is used to align flex items?

Correct Answer is : justify-content

11. Which of the following specifies initial length of flex item?

Correct Answer is : flex-basis

12. Which of the following overrides container’s align-items property?

Correct Answer is : align-self

13. Which one is correct syntax?

Correct Answer is :

14. How many levels of headings HTML has?

Correct Answer is : 6

15. What does HTML stand for?

Correct Answer is : Hyperlinks and Text Markup Language

16. State whether the given statement is true or false. !DOCTYPE is case sensitive”.

Correct Answer is : FALSE

17. Metadata store information about the web page that is not necessarily visible to end users.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

18. Choose the correct statement.

Correct Answer is : In traditional HTML close tag for some elements is optional but not encouraged

19. An API is an application programming interface consisting of methods and properties which allow the author to get or set data or execute commands to the user agent.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

20. For smaller text which element is used?

Correct Answer is :