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Total Questions: 20

1. The ____________ method must create a new clipping region by calculating the intersection of the current clipping region and the area described by the current path, using the non-zero winding number rule.

Correct Answer is : clip()

2. The ____________ method must fill all the subpaths of the current path, using fillStyle, and using the non-zero winding number rule.

Correct Answer is : fill()

3. Which of the following methods must empty the list of subpaths so that the context once again has zero subpaths?

Correct Answer is : beginPath()

4. Which event is fired as the mouse is moving over an element when a drag is occurring?

Correct Answer is : dragover

5. The _________ event is fired on the element where the drop occurred at the end of the drag operation.

Correct Answer is : drop

6. Which of the following property is common in all drag events?

Correct Answer is : dataTransfer

7. _____________ in textboxes and selections on web pages is done automatically, so you do not need to handle dragging yourself.

Correct Answer is : Dragging Text

8. Calling the ______________ method during both a dragenter and dragover event will indicate that a drop is allowed at that location.

Correct Answer is : preventDefault

9. Which of the following property is used to determine which drag operation was desired?

Correct Answer is : dropEffect

10. ______________ should include data of two types; the first should be the URL using the type text/uri-list, and the second is the URL using the text/plain type.

Correct Answer is : Dragging Links

11. A listener for the dragenter and dragover events are used to indicate valid drop targets, that is, places where dragged items may be dropped.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

12. _____________ and elements in a document may be dragged using the application/x-moz-node type.

Correct Answer is : Dragging Nodes

13. In OSI model USB lies under the layer ___________

Correct Answer is : physical layer

14. IP is used in the level ___________

Correct Answer is : network layer

15. Which one is not the feature of HTTP protocol?

Correct Answer is : responsive

16. Which of the following are not the valid character set in HTTP?

Correct Answer is : ISO-8859-12

17. Which one is the correct syntax for specifying media type?

Correct Answer is : type ”/” subtype *( “;” parameter)

18. Which header field defines meta information?

Correct Answer is : Entity-header

19. Which of the following is not the request method?

Correct Answer is : Remove

20. Which symbol is used when HTTP request does not apply to the particular source?

Correct Answer is : ‘*’