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Total Questions: 20

1. Which is not the value for CSS transition?

Correct Answer is : translate

2. Which value specifies a length of the transition effect?

Correct Answer is : transition-duration

3. Which value specifies transition acceleration?

Correct Answer is : timing-function

4. Whose value targets CSS property?

Correct Answer is : property

5. The font format compatible for iOS is:

Correct Answer is : .svg

6. Which font format is not supported by Firefox?

Correct Answer is : .svg

7. How many columns are used for grid system by bootstrap?

Correct Answer is : 12

8. Which property specifies the path to the project when running in web server?

Correct Answer is : http_path

9. Which property specifies the folder name where CSS style sheets should be saved?

Correct Answer is : css_dir

10. Which of the following specifies compiles CSS output?

Correct Answer is : output_style

11. To enable slideshow, what we should not be included?

Correct Answer is : button

12. Which tag is used to let control over the viewport?

Correct Answer is :

13. What should be the set value of the background-size property such that image will fit in the content area?

Correct Answer is : 100%100%

14. What should be the set value of background-size property such that image will stretch to cover entire content area?

Correct Answer is : 100%100%

15. What should be the set value of background-size property such that image will cover the entire content area?

Correct Answer is : cover

16. Bootstrap does not use _________

Correct Answer is : PHP

17. Which plugin allows the element to become locked or sticky?

Correct Answer is : .affix

18. Which of the following will display red alert box?

Correct Answer is : .alert-danger

19. Which of the following indicates blue background color representing something important?

Correct Answer is : .bg-primary

20. Which of the following indicates current page’s location within the navigational hierarchy?

Correct Answer is : .breadcrumb