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Total Questions: 20

1. DataStage originated at __________ a company that developed two notable products: UniVerse database and the DataStage ETL tool.

Correct Answer is : VMark

2. DataStage RTI is real time integration pack for :

Correct Answer is : ISD

3. __________ is a fully integrated, state-of-the-art analytic database architected specifically to leverage strengths of Hadoop.

Correct Answer is : Impala

4. Point out the correct statement :

Correct Answer is : With Impala, more users, whether using SQL queries or BI applications, can interact with more data

5. Impala is an integrated part of a ____________ enterprise data hub.

Correct Answer is : Cloudera

6. For Apache __________ users, Impala utilizes the same metadata.

Correct Answer is : Hive

7. Point out the wrong statement :

Correct Answer is : Impala provides high latency and low concurrency

8. Impala is integrated with native Hadoop security and Kerberos for authentication via __________ module

Correct Answer is : Sentry

9. Which of the following companies shipped Impala ?

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

10. ____________ analytics is a work in progress with Impala.

Correct Answer is : Reproductive

11. Which of the following features is not provided by Impala ?

Correct Answer is : ACID

12. Apache Cassandra™ is a massively scalable open source _______ database.

Correct Answer is : NoSQL

13. Point out the correct statement :

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

14. Cassandra uses a protocol called _______ to discover location and state information

Correct Answer is : gossip

15. A __________ determines which data centers and racks nodes belong to.

Correct Answer is : Snitch

16. Point out the wrong statement :

Correct Answer is : None of the Mentioned

17. User accounts may be altered and dropped using the __________ Query Language.

Correct Answer is : Cassandra

18. Authorization capabilities for Cassandra use the familiar _________ security paradigm to manage object permissions.

Correct Answer is : GRANT

19. Client-to-node encryption protects data in flight from client machines to a database cluster using :

Correct Answer is : SSL

20. Using ___________ file means you don’t have to override the SSL_CERTFILE environmental variables every time.

Correct Answer is : cqlshrc