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Total Questions: 20

1. Internal authentication stores usernames and bcrypt-hashed passwords in the ____________ table.

Correct Answer is : system_auth.credentials

2. HBase is a distributed ________ database built on top of the Hadoop file system.

Correct Answer is : Column-oriented

3. Point out the correct statement :

Correct Answer is : HBase sits on top of the Hadoop File System and provides read and write access

4. HBase is ________, defines only column families.

Correct Answer is : Schema-less

5. Apache HBase is a non-relational database modeled after Google’s _________

Correct Answer is : Bigtable

6. Point out the wrong statement :

Correct Answer is : HBase internally provides serialized access

7. The _________ Server assigns regions to the region servers and takes the help of Apache ZooKeeper for this task.

Correct Answer is : Master

8. Which of the following command provides information about the user ?

Correct Answer is : whoami

9. Which of the following command does not operate on tables ?

Correct Answer is : disabled

10. _________ command fetches the contents of row or a cell.

Correct Answer is : get

11. HBaseAdmin and ____________ are the two important classes in this package that provide DDL functionalities.

Correct Answer is : HTableDescriptor

12. HCatalog supports reading and writing files in any format for which a ________ can be written.

Correct Answer is : SerDE

13. Point out the correct statement :

Correct Answer is : Apache HCatalog provides table data access for CDH components such as Pig and MapReduce

14. Hive version ___________ is the first release that includes HCatalog.

Correct Answer is : 0.11.0

15. HCatalog is built on top of the Hive metastore and incorporates Hive’s :

Correct Answer is : DDL

16. Point out the wrong statement :

Correct Answer is : There is Hive-specific interface for HCatalog

17. The HCatalog interface for Pig consists of ____________ and HCatStorer, which implement the Pig load and store interfaces respectively

Correct Answer is : HCatLoader

18. _____________ accepts a table to read data from and optionally a selection predicate to indicate which partitions to scan.

Correct Answer is : HCatInputFormat

19. The HCatalog __________ supports all Hive DDL that does not require MapReduce to execute.

Correct Answer is : CLI

20. You can write to a single partition by specifying the partition key(s) and value(s) in the ___________ method.

Correct Answer is : setOutput