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Total Questions: 20

1. ___________ part of the MapReduce is responsible for processing one or more chunks of data and producing the output results.

Correct Answer is : Maptask

2. _________ function is responsible for consolidating the results produced by each of the Map() functions/tasks.

Correct Answer is : Reduce

3. Point out the wrong statement :

Correct Answer is : None of the mentioned

4. Although the Hadoop framework is implemented in Java , MapReduce applications need not be written in :

Correct Answer is : Java

5. ________ is a utility which allows users to create and run jobs with any executables as the mapper and/or the reducer.

Correct Answer is : Hadoop Streaming

6. __________ maps input key/value pairs to a set of intermediate key/value pairs.

Correct Answer is : Mapper

7. The number of maps is usually driven by the total size of :

Correct Answer is : inputs

8. _________ is the default Partitioner for partitioning key space.

Correct Answer is : HashPartitioner

9. Pig operates in mainly how many nodes ?

Correct Answer is : Two

10. Point out the correct statement :

Correct Answer is : You can run Pig in either mode using the “pig” command

11. You can run Pig in batch mode using __________ .

Correct Answer is : Pig scripts

12. Pig Latin statements are generally organized in one of the following ways :

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

13. Point out the wrong statement :

Correct Answer is : The DISPLAY operator will display the results to your terminal screen

14. Which of the following function is used to read data in PIG ?

Correct Answer is : LOAD

15. You can run Pig in interactive mode using the ______ shell.

Correct Answer is : Grunt

16. Which of the following is the default mode ?

Correct Answer is : Mapreduce

17. Which of the following will run pig in local mode ?

Correct Answer is : $ pig -x local …

18. .$ pig -x tez_local … will enable ________ mode in Pig.

Correct Answer is : None of the mentioned

19. BigDecimal is comprised of a ________ with an integer ‘scale’ field.

Correct Answer is : BigInteger

20. Point out the correct statement :

Correct Answer is : BlobRef is a wrapper that holds a BLOB either directly