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Total Questions: 20

1. Does user has authority for all topics.

Correct Answer is : FALSE

2. ROSTOPIC uses _________ at the command line for representing the content of the message.

Correct Answer is : YAML_syntax

3. Which command displays the band width?

Correct Answer is : rostopic bw

4. rostopic delay will provide delay for ___________

Correct Answer is : Topics which has header

5. Which command displays messages published to a topic?

Correct Answer is : rostopic echo

6. Which command finds out the topic?

Correct Answer is : rostopic find

7. What is the popular method of organizing wireless network topologies?

Correct Answer is : Cluster

8. _________ will enable the humans to access, control and manage the operation.

Correct Answer is : IoT

9. In _________ the embedded devices and objects working under IoT are resource constrained.

Correct Answer is : Information system

10. What type of networks is interacting under IoT?

Correct Answer is : Heterogeneous only

11. Managing of resources can be done by implementing ________

Correct Answer is : Protocols and algorithms

12. This section is to solicit the efforts and ongoing research work in the domain of _______

Correct Answer is : Resource Management

13. Resource management will elaborate the key aspects of _________

Correct Answer is : Network management

14. Resource management includes ___________

Correct Answer is : IoT Cloud

15. What is the role of communication protocol in IoT?

Correct Answer is : Mac layer issue

16. Which of the following is the future application of IoT?

Correct Answer is : Role of green IoT system

17. The object of IoT will be empowered by ___________

Correct Answer is : Devices

18. The embedded devices will form _______ network.

Correct Answer is : Ad-hoc

19. _______ are used to overcome the challenges of managing the resources of the IoT.

Correct Answer is : Cluster, Software agent, and Synchronization techniques

20. Which will reduce the energy expenditure?

Correct Answer is : Clustering