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Total Questions: 20

1. Do new device ID should be a globally unique identifier.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

2. What happens when service providers change their operating system and communication protocols?

Correct Answer is : Inoperability and complexity arises

3. In SOA, Service is termed as __________

Correct Answer is : Business service

4. Are SOA components loosely coupled.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

5. The SOA architecture is divided into how many layers?

Correct Answer is : 2 layers

6. Which layer in SOA delivers messages between applications?

Correct Answer is : ESB(Enterprise Service Bus)

7. Which block is the central reference of meta-data for services?

Correct Answer is : SOA registry

8. Which block ties work flow and SOA registry?

Correct Answer is : Service Broker

9. Which blocks deals with performance issues?

Correct Answer is : SOA supervisor

10. What are the three terminologies on which SOA service stands__________

Correct Answer is : Contract, Address and Building

11. Which standard is preferable to achieve SOA?

Correct Answer is : Web service

12. SOA stands for _____________

Correct Answer is : Service Oriented Architecture

13. ________ is used to describe a perceived, quickly growing set of web based applications.

Correct Answer is : Web 2.0

14. ________ is the philosophy of encapsulating application logic in services.

Correct Answer is : SOA

15. ________ are a modern interpretation of service oriented architectures used to build distributed software systems.

Correct Answer is : Microservices

16. Services in a microservice architecture are _________ that communicates with each other over the network.

Correct Answer is : Processes

17. __________ Uses voice to control the devices.

Correct Answer is : Both Google Home and Apple HomePod

18. Do we have problems using screen in smartphones.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

19. What should be the frequency of the soil for hand gesturing functions?

Correct Answer is : 60 GHz

20. What is the gesture that can be produced by tapping index finger to the tip of your thumb?

Correct Answer is : Pressing a virtual button