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Total Questions: 20

1. jquery written in which scripting language?

Correct Answer is : java script

2. jquery html() method works for...

Correct Answer is : HTML

3. Jquery is a library for _______ scripting.

Correct Answer is : Client

4. Which of the following method is used to hide the selected elements?

Correct Answer is : hide()

5. .css(‘width’) and .width() are the two ways to change the width of.....?

Correct Answer is : radio button

6. jQuery does not contain the _____________ feature.

Correct Answer is : AJAAX

7. What is the correct syntax of jQuery?

Correct Answer is : $(selector).action()

8. In jQuery all the elements are selected by writing ____________

Correct Answer is : $(“*”)

9. Which of the following is not event method in jQuery?

Correct Answer is : hide()

10. hover() method is the combination of ____________

Correct Answer is : mouseleave() and mouseeneter()

11. Which of the following is not the fade method in jQuery?

Correct Answer is : fadeOn()

12. Which of the following is not the sliding method in jQuery?

Correct Answer is : slideIn()

13. Which of the following is not the jQuery method for manipulation?

Correct Answer is : stop()

14. The method not used to add new content is ___________

Correct Answer is : add()

15. Which method is not used for CSS manipulation?

Correct Answer is : beforeClass()

16. Which of the following is not a jQuery dimension method?

Correct Answer is : css()

17. Which method is not used for traversing DOM tree?

Correct Answer is : after()

18. Which method is not for traversing DOM tree sideways?

Correct Answer is : parent()

19. Which method is not used for filtering in jQuery?

Correct Answer is : next()

20. AJAX is not used in _____________

Correct Answer is : Yahoo