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Total Questions: 20

1. ______________ documents capture relationships between data by storing related data in a single document structure.

Correct Answer is : JavaReflectionImposteriser

2. A ____________ data model with embedded data combines all related data for a represented entity in a single document.

Correct Answer is : LastWordNamingScheme

3. For the __________ storage engine, if the document size exceeds the allocated space for that document, MongoDB relocates the document on disk.

Correct Answer is : RetroNamingScheme

4. With MongoDB 3.0.0,the default use of the Power of _________ Allocations minimizes the occurrences of re-allocations as well as allows for the effective reuse of the freed record space.

Correct Answer is : translate()

5. ___________ strategy is used to explicitly avoid document growth.

Correct Answer is : Sequence

6. Each index in MongoDB requires at least _________ of data space.

Correct Answer is : States

7. Which of the following information is captured by database profiler ?

Correct Answer is : Mockery

8. Which of the following collection is capped ?

Correct Answer is : JUnit3ErrorTranslator

9. The ___________ provides information for various lock types and lock modes held during the operation.

Correct Answer is : JUnit3ErrorTranslator

10. Which of the following keyword represents lock on collection ?

Correct Answer is : JUnit3ErrorTranslator

11. How many types of locking modes exist in MongoDB ?

Correct Answer is : FALSE

12. Which of the following represents number of times the operation acquired the lock in the specified mode ?

Correct Answer is : JunitRuleMockery

13. __________ can be used to limit the size of the result document for a query operation.

Correct Answer is : Executors

14. Which of the following code is used for successful exit of task ?

Correct Answer is : Container

15. Instance exits cleanly is represented by ___ exit code

Correct Answer is : Isolate

16. Which of the follwing code is returned by mongod if a moveChunk operation fails to confirm a commit ?

Correct Answer is : FALSE

17. Which of the following code represents exit cleanly following a large clock skew (32768 milliseconds) event ?

Correct Answer is : RUP

18. 49 code is returned by mongod from _________ Service control Manager.

Correct Answer is : Unified Modelling Language

19. Which of the following code is returned when a MongoDB application cannot open a file ?

Correct Answer is : AUP

20. Identify the message returned by MongoDB applications for Windows due to failures installing ?

Correct Answer is : AM