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Total Questions: 20

1. Dynamic schema in MongoDB makes ____________ easier for applications.

Correct Answer is : a=true, b=true, c=true and a=false, b=false, c=false

2. With ________ MongoDB supports a complete backup solution and full deployment monitoring.

Correct Answer is : a=true, b=true, c=true and a=false, b=false, c=false

3. For each _______ the Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC) maintains a database of the realm’s principal and the principals’ associated “secret keys”.

Correct Answer is : Modified Condition/decision coverage

4. For a client-server authentication, the client requests from the KDC a ________ for access to a specific asset.

Correct Answer is : Modified Condition/decision coverage

5. To authenticate using Kerberos, you must add the Kerberos user principals to MongoDB to the _________ database.

Correct Answer is : Multiple condition coverage

6. To specify a different value for , use ________ during the start up of mongod.

Correct Answer is : Multiple condition coverage

7. Linux systems can store Kerberos authentication keys for a service principal in ______ files.

Correct Answer is : Parameter Value Coverage

8. On Linux, MongoDB clients can use Kerberos’s _______ program to initialize a credential cache for authenticating the user principal to servers.

Correct Answer is : Parameter Value Coverage

9. The MongoDB _________ Console interface does not support Kerberos authentication.

Correct Answer is : Safety Critical

10. Which of the following database command is used for mapreduce function ?

Correct Answer is : Safety Critical

11. MongoDB applies the _____ phase to each input document in mapreduce.

Correct Answer is : Parameter Value Coverage

12. MongoDB applies the _________ phase, which collects and condenses the aggregated data.

Correct Answer is : Parameter Value Coverage

13. The output of the reduce function may pass through a ______ function to further condense or process the results of the aggregation.

Correct Answer is : Basis Path Testing

14. _________ can return the results of a map-reduce operation as a document, or may write the results to collections.

Correct Answer is : Basis Path Testing

15. Map-reduce uses custom __________ functions to perform the map and reduce operations

Correct Answer is : State coverage

16. For most aggregation operations, the ______ Pipeline provides better performance and more coherent interface.

Correct Answer is : State coverage

17. What would be the maximum document size for results of mapreduce operation ?

Correct Answer is : Regression testing

18. The _____ JavaScript engine allows multiple JavaScript operations to execute at the same time.

Correct Answer is : Equivalence Partitioning

19. If the ______ field for mapReduce has the sharded value, MongoDB shards the output collection using the _id field as the shard key.

Correct Answer is : V shaped

20. In MongoDB ______ ,mongos retrieves the results from each shard, performs a merge sort to order the results

Correct Answer is : Coverage measurement