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Total Questions: 20

1. mongod process is stopped by issuing the following command:

Correct Answer is : Dynamic systems development method

2. To install the latest stable version of MongoDB on SUSE , issue :

Correct Answer is : MoSCow

3. The MongoDB instance stores its _________ files in /var/lib/mongo by default

Correct Answer is : RAD

4. The MongoDB process listens on port _________ by default

Correct Answer is : Iterative and Incremental

5. Which of the following file is not a MongoDB configuration file ?

Correct Answer is : Visionary

6. User account running mongod has _______ permissions for the directory.

Correct Answer is : Scribe

7. ___________ allows you to scale your cluster linearly by adding more machines.

Correct Answer is : Fault Masking

8. MongoDB is installed unattended on Windows from the command line using :

Correct Answer is : Testing Type

9. Sometimes mongod.exe is visible on public networks without running in _________ Mode with the auth setting.

Correct Answer is : Objects

10. ________ contains a counter of the total number of clients with active operations in progress or queued.

Correct Answer is : Servlet

11. The ___________ collection stores custom roles that administrators create and assign to users to provide access to specific resources.

Correct Answer is : Back end

12. The _________ field provides the amount of resident memory in use.

Correct Answer is : Functional

13. MongoDB stores tag sets in the replica set configuration object, which is the document returned by _____

Correct Answer is : Integration

14. Which of the following represents Shared lock ?

Correct Answer is : Flexibility

15. Which of the following document configures the threshold which determines whether a query is “slow” for the purpose of the logging system?

Correct Answer is : Stress

16. ____________ does not dump the content of the local database.

Correct Answer is : Production

17. To backup all the databases in a cluster via mongodump, you should have the ___________ role.

Correct Answer is : Cobertura

18. ___________ is a routing service for MongoDB shard configurations that processes queries from the application layer.

Correct Answer is : Jcoverage

19. __________ sends all diagnostic logging information to a log file instead of to standard output or to the host’s syslog system.

Correct Answer is : Instrumented copies

20. ___________ is the primary daemon process for the MongoDB system.

Correct Answer is : −−basedir