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Total Questions: 20

1. Documents enter a multi-stage __________ that transforms the documents into an aggregated result.

Correct Answer is : Suite

2. The most basic pipeline stages provide __________ that operate like queries.

Correct Answer is : The test runner automatically creates a Suite

3. Pipeline stages can use __________ for tasks such as calculating the average or concatenating a string.

Correct Answer is : Runner

4. Map-reduce uses custom __________ functions to perform the map and reduce operations.

Correct Answer is : static Test suite() method

5. Which of the following operation can be optionally used for map reduce ?

Correct Answer is : org.junit.runners.Suite.class

6. The aggregation pipeline can use ___________ to improve its performance during some of its stages.

Correct Answer is : @SuiteClasses

7. To handle large datasets, set _________ option to true to enable writing data to temporary files.

Correct Answer is : @SuiteClasses(value={Test1.class,Test2.class})

8. ________ deconstructs an array field from the input documents to output a document for each element.

Correct Answer is : Build

9. ________ applies an expression to each item in an array and returns an array with the applied results.

Correct Answer is : No

10. Which of the following accepts named parameters ?

Correct Answer is : expected

11. String expressions, with the exception of ________ only have a well-defined behavior for strings of ASCII characters.

Correct Answer is : IfBlankAttribute

12. ___________ returns either the non-null result of the first expression.

Correct Answer is : IfTrueAttribute

13. Which of the following returns the value that results from applying an expression to the last document ?

Correct Answer is : ChainableReader

14. Which of the following stages cannot appear multiple times in a pipeline ?

Correct Answer is : BaseFilterReader

15. Aggregation expressions use ______ path to access fields in the input documents.

Correct Answer is : BaseParamFilterReader

16. Which of the following statement is equivalent to “$$CURRENT.“?

Correct Answer is : ClassConstants

17. ______ binds variables for use in the specified expression.

Correct Answer is : HeadFilter

18. In the vars assignment block, ________ refers to the value of an externally defined variable low .

Correct Answer is : ProjectHelper2

19. To avoid treating numeric or boolean literals as projection flags, use the _______ expression to wrap the numeric or boolean literals.

Correct Answer is : SingleCheckExecutor

20. MongoDB treats the literals as projection flags, valid only in the _______ stage.

Correct Answer is : ExecutorService