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Total Questions: 20

1. ________ passes the first n documents unmodified to the pipeline where n is the specified limit

Correct Answer is : execute(Runnable command)

2. _______ reorders the document stream by a specified sort key

Correct Answer is : RejectedExecutionException

3. Which of the following operator incorporates the functionality of $match, $sort, and $limit for geospatial data?

Correct Answer is : NullPointerException

4. _____ Writes the resulting documents of the aggregation pipeline to a collection.

Correct Answer is : runPendingCommands

5. Aggregation pipeline was introduced in MongoDB version ______

Correct Answer is : runUntilIdle

6. ________ calculates aggregate values for the data in a collection.

Correct Answer is : isIdle

7. Cursors returned from aggregation only supports cursor methods like :

Correct Answer is : tick

8. ______ can be used to iterate the cursor of document results returned by db.collection.find().

Correct Answer is : TRUE

9. Syntax for specifying an initial batch size for the cursor is :

Correct Answer is : awaitTermination

10. Query shape consists of a combination of query, sort, and _________ specifications.

Correct Answer is : org.jmock.lib

11. Which of the following method is overrided by Index filters ?

Correct Answer is : org.jmock.integration.junit3

12. Indexes are typically available in ______ or located sequentially on disk.

Correct Answer is : org.jmock.syntax

13. ___________ is used to determine whether a query is a covered query .

Correct Answer is : org.jmock.concurrent

14. The ________ message is used to update a document in a collection.

Correct Answer is : Blitzer

15. _____ can modify specific fields of an existing document or documents or replace an existing document entirely, depending on the update parameter.

Correct Answer is : DeterministicExecutor

16. The update() method uses the _______ command, which uses the default write concern.

Correct Answer is : UnsupportedSynchronousOperationException

17. _________ is used to view statistics about the query plan for a given query.

Correct Answer is : Blitzer

18. An ________ query plan has returned a threshold number of matching results

Correct Answer is : Synchroniser

19. A query _______ consists of a combination of query, sort, and projection specifications.

Correct Answer is : Executor

20. The auditing facility can write audit events to the console, the _________, a JSON file, or a BSON file.

Correct Answer is : cobertura-report.bat