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Total Questions: 20

1. Data of .system.indexes can be accessed using :

Correct Answer is : Coverage

2. You must have the __________ action on a role’s database to grant the role to another user.

Correct Answer is : Coarse grained

3. Command listIndexes.ok returning value 1 indicates :

Correct Answer is : Regressions

4. MongoDB provides high ____________ with replica sets.

Correct Answer is : Vertical

5. ___________ replicas maintain a copy of the data on the primary using built-in replication.

Correct Answer is : Refactoring

6. MongoDB scales horizontally using _________ for load balancing purpose.

Correct Answer is : Change

7. MongoDB can be used as a ____________, taking advantage of load balancing and data replication features over multiple machines for storing files.

Correct Answer is : YAGNI

8. _____________ can be used for batch processing of data and aggregation operations.

Correct Answer is : You aren’t gonna need it

9. MongoDB supports fixed-size collections called ____________ collections.

Correct Answer is : DTSTTCPW

10. MongoDB uses a ____________ lock that allows concurrent read access to a database but exclusive write access to a single write operation.

Correct Answer is : Hamcrest

11. Which of the following sorting is not supported by MongoDB ?

Correct Answer is : Testing

12. _________ is a binary serialization format used to store documents and make remote procedure calls in MongoDB.

Correct Answer is : org.junit.Assert.assertThat

13. Which of the following data type is depreciated ?

Correct Answer is : Anything

14. Each data type has a corresponding number that can be used with the _______ operator to query documents by BSON type.

Correct Answer is : is

15. MongoDB represents queries as ___________ objects.

Correct Answer is : allOf

16. There is _________ byte counter in BSON, starting with a random value

Correct Answer is : anyOf

17. In the mongo shell, you can access the creation time of the ObjectId, using the ______ method..

Correct Answer is : not

18. __________ returns the JavaScript representation in the form of a string literal

Correct Answer is : isCompatibleType

19. Which of the following query is used to generate a new ObjectId, use the ObjectId() constructor with no argument

Correct Answer is : sameInstance

20. Which of the following collections work in a way similar to circular buffers ?

Correct Answer is : TRUE