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Total Questions: 20

1. _________ stores a log of the operations in a replica set.

Correct Answer is : Jetty

2. ___________ is also used to pre-allocate space for an ordinary collection.

Correct Answer is : IssueTracker

3. If you perform a ________ on a capped collection with no ordering specified, MongoDB guarantees that the ordering of results is the same as the insertion order.

Correct Answer is : org.mortbay.jetty.Server;

4. Which of the following should is used to check whether collection is capped or not ?

Correct Answer is : Context

5. ___________ convert a non-capped collection to a capped collection .

Correct Answer is : org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.Context;

6. _________ command creates the capped collection and imports the data.

Correct Answer is : FALSE

7. Which of the following command obtains a global write lock and will block other operations until it has completed ?

Correct Answer is : setResourceBase

8. MongoDB allows administrators to direct the balancing policy using ______ aware sharding.

Correct Answer is : ResourceHandler

9. Tags are the primary mechanism to control the behavior of the _______ and the distribution of chunks in a cluster.

Correct Answer is : org.mortbay.jetty.handler.ResourceHandler

10. How many background process runs behind balanced cluster ?

Correct Answer is : TRUE

11. _________ is a background process that keeps chunks from growing too large.

Correct Answer is : FALSE

12. The shards manage _______ migrations as a background operation between an origin shard and a destination shard.

Correct Answer is : org.hamcrest.number.IsCloseTo

13. For most deployments, the default value of chunk is _____ megabytes is ideal.

Correct Answer is : matches

14. The ______ instances are the routers for the cluster.

Correct Answer is : SelfDescribing

15. A single sharded cluster must have exclusive use of its _______ servers.

Correct Answer is : hasKey

16. The ________ collection stores a document for each change to the metadata of a sharded collection.

Correct Answer is : Hamcrest Interface

17. The _________ collection stores a document for each sharded collection in the cluster.

Correct Answer is : BaseMatcher

18. You can return a list of the collections, with the following helper:

Correct Answer is : Latent defect

19. ________ is a string that holds the address of the client, a mongos instance that initiates this change.

Correct Answer is : Test Deliverables

20. The _______ collection keeps track of the active components in the sharded cluster.

Correct Answer is : Mutation Testing