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Total Questions: 20

1. If the collection is empty then MongoDB will create the index as part of the ________

Correct Answer is : White Box Testing

2. Changing the _______ option will change the port that mongod listens for incoming connections on.

Correct Answer is : Number of mutants killed

3. The _____________ collection holds documents for each tagged shard key range in the cluster.

Correct Answer is : Reach

4. Administrators can implement collection-level access control through user-defined :

Correct Answer is : Infect

5. User can grant any role in the database to any user from any database in the system through _________ action.

Correct Answer is : Propagate

6. User can remove any role from any user from any database in the system through _________ .

Correct Answer is : RIP

7. _________ terminates an operation as specified by the operation ID.

Correct Answer is : Coupling effect

8. _________ deletes from a shard the orphaned documents whose shard key values fall into a single continuous range.

Correct Answer is : cobertura-merge.bat

9. Which of the following flushes user information from in-memory cache ?

Correct Answer is : Dependencies

10. __________ displays the cached query plans for the specified query shape.

Correct Answer is : Objects

11. A query may include a ___________ that specifies the fields from the matching documents to return.

Correct Answer is : Law of Demeter

12. MongoDB stores all documents in :

Correct Answer is : Singleton

13. In MongoDB, _________ operations modify the data of a single collection.

Correct Answer is : Global State

14. Which of the following operation adds a new document to the users collection ?

Correct Answer is : Polymorphism

15. Which of the following preference determines how the client direct read operations to the set ?

Correct Answer is : Inheritence

16. Applications can also control the behavior of write operations using _______ concern.

Correct Answer is : Composition

17. MongoDB process collection of documents using _________ operations.

Correct Answer is : switch

18. Which of the following pipeline is used for aggregation in MongoDB ?

Correct Answer is : org.junit.runners

19. Which of the following collection do not support the TTL property ?

Correct Answer is : org.junit.internal.runners.Junit38ClassRunner

20. If the indexed field in a document is not a _____ or an array that holds a date value(s), the document will not expire.

Correct Answer is : It is a design pattern that provides a unified interface to a set of interfaces in a subsystem