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Total Questions: 20

1. SessionIDs are stored in cookies.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

2. What is the maximum size of cookie?

Correct Answer is : 4 KB

3. How can we invalidate a session?

Correct Answer is : session.invalidate()

4. Which method creates unique fields in the HTML which are not shown to the user?

Correct Answer is : HTML Hidden field

5. Which object is used by spring for authentication?

Correct Answer is : SecurityContextHolder

6. How does applet and servlet communicate?

Correct Answer is : HTTP Tunneling

7. In CGI, process starts with each request and will initiate OS level process.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

8. Which class provides system independent server side implementation?

Correct Answer is : ServerSocket

9. What happens if ServerSocket is not able to listen on the specified port?

Correct Answer is : IOException is thrown when opening the socket

10. What does bind() method of ServerSocket offer?

Correct Answer is : binds the serversocket to a specific address (IP Address and port)

11. Which of the below are common network protocols?

Correct Answer is : TCP and UDP

12. Which class represents an Internet Protocol address?

Correct Answer is : InetAddress

13. What does local IP address start with?

Correct Answer is : 10.X.X.X, 172.X.X.X, or 192.168.X.X

14. What happens if IP Address of host cannot be determined?

Correct Answer is : UnknownHostException is thrown

15. What is the java method for ping?

Correct Answer is : isReachable()

16. Servlet are used to program which component in a web application?

Correct Answer is : server

17. Which component can be used for sending messages from one application to another?

Correct Answer is : mq

18. How are java web applications packaged?

Correct Answer is : both jar and war

19. How can we connect to database in a web application?

Correct Answer is : JDBC template

20. How can we take input text from user in HTML page?

Correct Answer is : input tag