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Total Questions: 20

1. Which design pattern suggest multiple classes through which request is passed and multiple but only relevant classes carry out operations on the request?

Correct Answer is : Chain of responsibility pattern

2. Which design pattern represents a way to access all the objects in a collection?

Correct Answer is : Iterator pattern

3. What does MVC pattern stands for?

Correct Answer is : Model view Controller

4. Is design pattern a logical concept.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

5. Which design pattern works on data and action taken based on data provided?

Correct Answer is : Command pattern

6. Which of these is wildcard symbol?

Correct Answer is : ?

7. What is use of wildcards?

Correct Answer is : It is used in cases when type being operated upon is not known

8. Which of these keywords is used to upper bound a wildcard?

Correct Answer is : extends

9. Which of these is an correct way making a list that is upper bounded by class Number?

Correct Answer is : List

10. Which of the following keywords are used for lower bounding a wild card?

Correct Answer is : super

11. What should the return type of method where there is no return value?

Correct Answer is : Empty collection

12. What data structure should be used when number of elements is fixed?

Correct Answer is : Array

13. What causes the program to exit abruptly and hence its usage should be minimalistic?

Correct Answer is : Exit

14. Which one of the following causes memory leak?

Correct Answer is : Not using Finally block often

15. Which of the following is a best practice to measure time taken by a process for execution?

Correct Answer is : System.nanoTime()

16. Which of the below is true about java class structure?

Correct Answer is : The class should only contain those attribute and functionality which it should; hence keeping it short

17. Which of the below is false about java coding?

Correct Answer is : variable names should be short

18. Which is better in terms of performance for iterating an array?

Correct Answer is : for(int i=99; i>=0; i–)

19. Which of the following is good coding practice to determine oddity? i) public boolen abc(int num) { return num % 2 == 1; } ii) public boolean xyz(int num) { return (num & 1)!= 0; }

Correct Answer is : ii

20. What one of the following is best practice to handle Null Pointer exception? i) int noOfStudents = line.listStudents().count; ii) int noOfStudents = getCountOfStudents(line); public int getCountOfStudents(List line) { if(line != null) { if(line.listOfStudents() != null) { return line.listOfStudents().size(); } } throw new NullPointerException("List is empty"); }

Correct Answer is : Option (ii)