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Total Questions: 20

1. Which of these interfaces define four methods?

Correct Answer is : ComponentListener

2. Which of these interfaces define a method itemStateChanged()?

Correct Answer is : ItemListener

3. Which of these methods will respond when you click any button by mouse?

Correct Answer is : all of the mentioned

4. Which of these methods will be invoked if a character is entered?

Correct Answer is : keyTyped()

5. Which of these methods is defined in MouseMotionAdapter class?

Correct Answer is : mouseDragged()

6. Which of these is a superclass of all Adapter classes?

Correct Answer is : Applet

7. Which of these events is generated when the window is closed?

Correct Answer is : WindowEvent

8. Which of these methods can be used to obtain the coordinates of a mouse?

Correct Answer is : getPoint()

9. Which of these methods can be used to change location of an event?

Correct Answer is : TranslatePoint()

10. Which of these are integer constants of TextEvent class?

Correct Answer is : TEXT_VALUE_CHANGED

11. Which of these methods is used to obtain the object that generated a WindowEvent?

Correct Answer is : getWindow()

12. MouseEvent is subclass of which of these classes?

Correct Answer is : InputEvent

13. Which of these methods is used to get x coordinate of the mouse?

Correct Answer is : getX()

14. Which of these are constants defined in WindowEvent class?

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

15. Which of these is superclass of WindowEvent class?

Correct Answer is : ComponentEvent

16. Which of these events is generated when the size of an event is changed?

Correct Answer is : ComponentEvent

17. Which of these events is generated when the component is added or removed?

Correct Answer is : ContainerEvent

18. Which of these methods can be used to obtain the reference to the container that generated a ContainerEvent?

Correct Answer is : getContainerEvent()

19. Which of these methods can be used to get reference to a component that was removed from a container?

Correct Answer is : getchild()

20. Which of these are integer constants of ComponentEvent class?

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned