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Total Questions: 20

1. Consider the following code snippet o.m(x,y); Which is an equivalent code for the above code snippet?

Correct Answer is : o["m"](x,y);

2. DOM Level 3 Events standardizes which of the following events?

Correct Answer is : focusin and focusout

3. Which of the following are the unnecessary events currently?

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

4. Which object is passed as the argument to handlers for keydown, keyup, and keypress events?

Correct Answer is : KeyboardEvent

5. Which among these is a property that reports rotation of mouse wheel axes?

Correct Answer is : deltaX

6. Which of the following property specifies the string of text that was entered?

Correct Answer is : data

7. Which of the following is defined by the specification?

Correct Answer is : inputMethod

8. Which two events will have the generated text for key events?

Correct Answer is : key and char

9. Which of the following are the drag and drop events?

Correct Answer is : both drop and dragstart

10. Which property holds a DataTransfer object that contains information about the data being transferred and the formats in which it is available?

Correct Answer is : dataTransfer

11. Which API allows scripts in a document from one server to exchange messages with scripts?

Correct Answer is : Cross-Document Messaging API

12. Which of the following is a way of embedding Client-side JavaScript code within HTML documents?

Correct Answer is : External file specified by the src attribute of a “script” tag

13. When does JavaScript code appear inline within an HTML file?

Correct Answer is : Between the “script” tag

14. Which character in JavaScript code will be interpreted as XML markup?

Correct Answer is : &

15. Which is the root element in a HTML document?

Correct Answer is : HTML

16. What is the code for getting the current time?

Correct Answer is : var now = new Date();

17. What is the code to start displaying the time when document loads?

Correct Answer is : window.onload = displayTime;

18. One of the main advantage of using src attribute is

Correct Answer is : It simplifies the HTML files

19. What will be done if more than one page requires a file of JavaScript code?

Correct Answer is : Retrives from the browser cache

20. What is the default value of the type attribute?

Correct Answer is : text/javascript