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Total Questions: 20

1. What kind of data can be run in R?

Correct Answer is : All kinds

2. Which of the following is/are the features of R?

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

3. What is the advantage for Linux users using R?

Correct Answer is : They get a command sequence to install the particular Linux flavor

4. Which of the following is the base install for R?

Correct Answer is : Base

5. Which of the following comes with compiled third-party packages?

Correct Answer is : Contrib

6. Which of the following comes with tools to build your own R packages?

Correct Answer is : Rtools

7. The code of the R language has an extension?

Correct Answer is : .R

8. Which of the following is used to run ad hoc R commands?

Correct Answer is : R Console

9. For a more extensive search, which keyword needs to be used?

Correct Answer is : ??

10. What is the usage of the keyword ?? in R?

Correct Answer is : Extensive search

11. Which type of comment is not supported in R?

Correct Answer is : Multi-line comments

12. What is the usage of the keyword ? in R?

Correct Answer is : Help window

13. Which symbol is used to start a comment?

Correct Answer is : #

14. Which of the following is a loosely-typed language?

Correct Answer is : S

15. What is the limit to matrices in R?

Correct Answer is : Two dimensional

16. Which is the function used to add the vectors?

Correct Answer is : c()

17. Which of the following list contains multiple data types?

Correct Answer is : Data frames

18. Which function is used to create data frames?

Correct Answer is : data.frame()

19. What is the purpose of the canvas element?

Correct Answer is : Creates drawing surface & Exposes powerful drawing API to client-side JavaScript

20. From which version of IE is canvas supported?

Correct Answer is : 9