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Total Questions: 20

1. What does the NamedNodeMap object represent in the HTML DOM?

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

2. What is the purpose of the Attr object in the HTML DOM?

Correct Answer is : HTML Attribute

3. What is the work of the form control elements in the HTML DOM?

Correct Answer is : User Interface elements

4. How are the objects organized in the HTML DOM?

Correct Answer is : Hierarchy

5. Which of the following is a type of HTML DOM?

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

6. What is the purpose of the Legacy DOM ?

Correct Answer is : Allows access to few keys and elements

7. Which object is the top of the hierarchy?

Correct Answer is : Window Object

8. Which side of image map can be created using JavaScript?

Correct Answer is : Client side

9. Which is the attribute used to enable the Client-side image map?

Correct Answer is : usemap

10. Which are the special tags used for image mapping?

Correct Answer is : map and area

11. Which is the element that follows the use of “img”?

Correct Answer is : map

12. What is the purpose of the area element?

Correct Answer is : Shape and coordinates of the hotspot

13. Which of the following is not a navigator property?

Correct Answer is : all of the mentioned

14. What is the purpose of the platform[] property in a navigator?

Correct Answer is : Platform where the browser was compiled

15. What is the purpose of the preference method in a navigator?

Correct Answer is : Set Netscape preference

16. Which of the following is not a navigator method?

Correct Answer is : preference

17. What is the purpose of the userAgent property?

Correct Answer is : Identifying the client

18. How many properties does a prototype object have?

Correct Answer is : 7

19. Which of the following does not serialize the undefined values or objects within an object?

Correct Answer is : JSON.stringify

20. How many properties are there in the interface PerformanceTiming?

Correct Answer is : 21