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Total Questions: 20

1. When does a memory leak happen?

Correct Answer is : Browser doesn’t release memory from objects unnecessary

2. What will happen when the data of the jQuery.cache is read from an element?

Correct Answer is : Unique number is retrieved as elem[jQuery.expando] & Data is read from jQuery.cache[id]

3. The style property belongs to while of the following object?

Correct Answer is : Element

4. Which of the following functions are referenced internally?

Correct Answer is : both setTimeout and setInterval

5. What is the purpose of destroying the functions and objects?

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

6. When does a cycle occur during memory leak?

Correct Answer is : Two objects reference

7. Which of the following is a way to retain an object in memory?

Correct Answer is : Console Log

8. How many default number methods are available in JavaScript?

Correct Answer is : 7

9. What is an observer effect?

Correct Answer is : Observing influences outcome

10. Which of the following are ways to benchmark code?

Correct Answer is : Timing the code & Calculating the number of operations performed

11. How to calculate the run time of a code?

Correct Answer is : End time – Start time

12. According to the workflow of a runtime logging, what happens after calculating the run time?

Correct Answer is : Either Display to screen or Log to server

13. Which of the following object is used to post the data to an external process, say savePerfData?

Correct Answer is : XHR

14. Where does the external process save the result of the test?

Correct Answer is : Flat file

15. Which function is used to start the time logging?

Correct Answer is : startTimeLogging()

16. Which of the following attribute of form tag is not set by using document object in JavaScript?

Correct Answer is : None of the mentioned

17. What will be result of following javascript function?

Correct Answer is : Sanfoundry The Best

18. What type of scope is present in JavaScript?

Correct Answer is : Lexical

19. Which function is used to stop the time logging?

Correct Answer is : stopTimeLogging()

20. The lexical scooping in JavaScript is based on which of the following?

Correct Answer is : Functions