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Total Questions: 20

1. Which is the property that is triggered in response to JavaScript errors?

Correct Answer is : onerror

2. Which event can be fired on any scrollable document element?

Correct Answer is : Scroll

3. How many node types are there in total?

Correct Answer is : 12

4. What is the purpose of the Node object property ownerDocument?

Correct Answer is : Returns the root element

5. Which of the following Node object property returns the local part of the name of a node?

Correct Answer is : localName

6. What is the property textContent?

Correct Answer is : Sets & Returns the textual content of a node

7. How many Node object methods are available?

Correct Answer is : 18

8. Which of the following Node object property returns the node immediately before a node?

Correct Answer is : previousSibling

9. What is the purpose of the method getUserData(key)?

Correct Answer is : Returns the associated object

10. How to test if two nodes are equal?

Correct Answer is : isEqualNode()

11. How to associate an object to a key on a node?

Correct Answer is : setUserData(key,data,handler)

12. Which method is used to compare the placement of two nodes in the DOM hierarchy (document)?

Correct Answer is : compareDocumentPosition()

13. What does a Node object represent?

Correct Answer is : Single node

14. What does the nodeName of the nodeType Document return?

Correct Answer is : #document

15. What is the purpose of the method item()?

Correct Answer is : Returns node at specified index

16. How can the nodes in the node list be accessed?

Correct Answer is : Index number

17. Which of the following is the child(s) of the node type EntityReference?

Correct Answer is : Both Element and Text

18. Which node type represents the root-node of the DOM tree?

Correct Answer is : Document

19. What is the purpose of the DocumentFragment node type?

Correct Answer is : To hold a portion of a document

20. How many nodetype – named constants are available?

Correct Answer is : 12