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Total Questions: 20

1. Which of the following Node types have a node value equal to null?

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

2. How many node object properties are there?

Correct Answer is : 16

3. The unordered collection of properties, each of which has a name and a value is called

Correct Answer is : Object

4. The object has three object attributes namely

Correct Answer is : Prototype, class, object’s extensible flag

5. Consider the following code snippet : var book = { "main title": "JavaScript", 'sub-title': "The Definitive Guide", "for": "all audiences", author: { firstname: "David", surname: "Flanagan" } }; In the above snippet, firstname and surname are

Correct Answer is : property names

6. A linkage of series of prototype objects is called as ________

Correct Answer is : prototype chain

7. In the following syntax, the datatype within the square brackets must be ___________ book[datatype]=assignment_value;

Correct Answer is : A String

8. To determine whether one object is the prototype of (or is part of the prototype chain of) another object, one should use the ____________

Correct Answer is : isPrototypeOf() method

9. What is the prototype represents in the following code snippet? function f() {};

Correct Answer is : A custom constructor

10. The purpose of extensible attribute is to __________

Correct Answer is : “lock down” objects into a known state and prevent outside tampering

11. Identify the process done in the below code snippet? o = {x:1, y:{z:[false,null,""]}}; s = JSON.stringify(o); p = JSON.parse(s);

Correct Answer is : Object Serialization

12. The basic purpose of the toLocaleString() is to _________

Correct Answer is : return a localized string representation of the object

13. When does the browser stops rendering the HTML?

Correct Answer is : Both Inline JavaScript block & External JavaScript file

14. Which of the following handles painting the content on to the screen?

Correct Answer is : Rendering engine

15. What does the rendering engine do when it encounters JavaScript?

Correct Answer is : Switches to Javascript Interpreter

16. Which of the following runs the JavaScript code?

Correct Answer is : JavaScript Interpreter

17. Which of the following layer retrieves the content from the network?

Correct Answer is : Network Layer

18. Which of the following gets converted to DOM elements by the rendering engine?

Correct Answer is : Tokens

19. Which of the below does not belong to the Render Engine workflow?

Correct Answer is : None of the mentioned

20. Which is the next step after retrieving the content in chunks?

Correct Answer is : Parse Content