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Total Questions: 20

1. Which status code indicates that the server could not find the resource requested?

Correct Answer is : 404

2. What is the maximum size of an IP packet for IPv4 or IPv6?

Correct Answer is : 65535

3. How can we define the term Performance?

Correct Answer is : Speed at which application functions

4. When is an application said to show a web performance?

Correct Answer is : Time to load

5. When is an application said to show a runtime performance?

Correct Answer is : Speed of response to user

6. What does the span of time waiting for the page to be useful depend on?

Correct Answer is : Web performance

7. What is the advantage of the code produced graphics being smaller than the images themselves?

Correct Answer is : Bandwidth saving

8. In order to skip or seek to the desired location in a sound or video, which property becomes helpful?

Correct Answer is : currentTime

9. Which of the following shows a better runtime performance for coalescing functionality, using functions, and using objects?

Correct Answer is : Firefox UsingFunct

10. Which of the following shows a poorer runtime performance for coalescing functionality, using functions, and using objects?

Correct Answer is : Firefox unwoundfun

11. In how many modes can the Closure compiler be run?

Correct Answer is : 2

12. What is the purpose of the advanced mode in the Closure compiler?

Correct Answer is : Renaming the variables and other parameters

13. How many read-only attributes are present in the navigator object?

Correct Answer is : 2

14. Why are HTTP redirects significant?

Correct Answer is : Complete roundtrip absent

15. Where does the DNS reply go to in a single HTTP redirect?

Correct Answer is : Browser

16. How can one access the redirectCount property?

Correct Answer is : performance.navigation.redirectCount

17. How many constant values can the property type be represented?

Correct Answer is : 4

18. Which of the following constants has the value 255?

Correct Answer is : TYPE_RESERVED

19. What is the purpose of the constant TYPE_RELOAD?

Correct Answer is : Reload performed

20. What does the constant TYPE_BACK_FORWRD indicate?

Correct Answer is : Navigation via browser history