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Total Questions: 20

1. Which syntax is used to describe elements in CSS?

Correct Answer is : Selectors

2. What does the following code snippet mean? #log>span

Correct Answer is : Any span child of the element with id as log

3. Which of the following is the ultimate element selection method?

Correct Answer is : querySelectorAll()

4. Which of the following is the Web application equivalent to querySelectorAll()?

Correct Answer is : $()

5. The C in CSS stands for

Correct Answer is : Cascading

6. The latest version of CSS is

Correct Answer is : CSS3

7. Which of the following is an example of a Shortcut Property?

Correct Answer is : all of the mentioned

8. Which of the following is the default positioning elements with CSS?

Correct Answer is : static

9. Which property lays the element according to the normal flow?

Correct Answer is : relative

10. Which of the following property allows you to specify an element’s position with respect to the browser window?

Correct Answer is : fixed

11. The central object in a larger API is known as __________

Correct Answer is : Document Object Model

12. The paragraph “p” is a part of __________

Correct Answer is : Both body and html

13. The node directly above a node is called __________

Correct Answer is : parent

14. The Text and Comment is part of __________

Correct Answer is : CharacterData

15. The nodes that represent HTML elements are the __________

Correct Answer is : Element nodes

16. Which of the following is/are of Text nodes?

Correct Answer is : Both Text and Comment

17. Which is one of way to query a document for an element or elements?

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

18. Which of the following can be used to select HTML elements based on the value of their name attributes?

Correct Answer is : getElementsByName()

19. Which of the following property refers to the root element of the document?

Correct Answer is : documentElement

20. The return type of getElementsByClassName() is __________

Correct Answer is : NodeList