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Total Questions: 20

1. Which is the method used for registering handlers?

Correct Answer is : on()

2. The four kinds of class members are ________

Correct Answer is : Instance fields, Instance methods, Class fields, Class methods

3. Different kinds of object involved in a class definition are ________

Correct Answer is : Constructor object, Prototype object, Instance object

4. The object whose properties are inherited by all instances of the class, and properties whose values are functions behaving like instance methods of the class, is

Correct Answer is : Prototype object

5. Which variables are used internally in object methods and are also globally visible?

Correct Answer is : Variable properties

6. The class that represents the regular expressions is ________

Correct Answer is : RegExp

7. The different variant of Date() constructor to create date object is/are i. new Date(date) ii. new Date(milliseconds) iii. new Date(date string) iv. new Date(year, month, date[, hour, minute, second, millisecond])

Correct Answer is : ii, iii and iv only

8. Which is the correct code that returns a complex number that is the complex conjugate of this one?

Correct Answer is : Complex.prototype.conj = function() { return new Complex(this.r, -this.i); };

9. How can we make methods available on all objects?

Correct Answer is : Object.prototype

10. What is the procedure to add methods to HTMLElement so that they will be inherited by the objects that represent the HTML tags in the current document?

Correct Answer is : HTMLElement.prototype

11. You can refresh the webpage in JavaScript by using ________

Correct Answer is : location.reload

12. BLOB stands for

Correct Answer is : Binary Large Object

13. The size of blobs are generally calculated in

Correct Answer is : Bytes

14. The blobs are generally stored in

Correct Answer is : Both Memory and Disk

15. The blobs are broken into smaller pieces using which of the following functions?

Correct Answer is : slice()

16. Which algorithm supports blobs?

Correct Answer is : Structured clone algorithm

17. Which database can be used to retrieve blobs?

Correct Answer is : Client-side databases

18. Which object can be used to create your own blobs?

Correct Answer is : BlobBuilder

19. Which of the following is a subtype of Blob?

Correct Answer is : File Object

20. Which method facilitates in uploading a Blob to a server?

Correct Answer is : send()