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Total Questions: 20

1. Which property is used to obtain browser vendor and version information?

Correct Answer is : navigator

2. Which method receives the return value of setInterval() to cancel future invocations?

Correct Answer is : clearInterval()

3. The setTimeout() belongs to which object?

Correct Answer is : Window

4. Which method receives the return value of setTimeout() to cancel future invocations?

Correct Answer is : clearTimeout()

5. What will happen if we call setTimeout() with a time of 0 ms?

Correct Answer is : Placed in queue

6. To which object does the location property belong?

Correct Answer is : Window

7. What is the result of the following code snippet? window.location === document.location

Correct Answer is : TRUE

8. Which of the following are the features of jQuery?

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

9. Which of the following is a single global function defined in the jQuery library?

Correct Answer is : jQuery()

10. Which of the following is a factory function?

Correct Answer is : jQuery()

11. Which is the method that operates on the return value of $()?

Correct Answer is : css()

12. Consider the following code snippet. What does the min mean?

Correct Answer is : Minimised version

13. Which of the following is a heavily overloaded function?

Correct Answer is : Both jQuery() and $()

14. Which of the following is an equivalent replacement of $(document).ready(f)?

Correct Answer is : $(f)

15. Which of the following is a utility function in jQuery?

Correct Answer is : jQuery.noConflict()

16. Which of the following is used for parsing JSON text?

Correct Answer is : jQuery.parseJSON()

17. The URL property belongs to which of the following object?

Correct Answer is : Document

18. What does the location property represent?

Correct Answer is : Current URL

19. Which among the following is not a property of the Location object?

Correct Answer is : hostee

20. What is the return type of the hash property?

Correct Answer is : Fragment identifier