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Total Questions: 20

1. Arrange the TCP/IP model layers in the order from farthest to closest to the end user.

Correct Answer is : Network Access Layer, Internet Layer, Transport Layer, Application Layer

2. What does the interpreter do when you reference variables in other scopes?

Correct Answer is : Traverses the stack

3. The attribute location belongs to which element?

Correct Answer is : document

4. What will happen if you reference document.location from within an object?

Correct Answer is : Traverses the stack

5. Why do we need to create locally scoped variables to hold value?

Correct Answer is : To cache the reference document.location

6. What is the next step after calling the startTimeLogging()?

Correct Answer is : Run the code

7. During the traversing through the stack, where does it go after it goes to the namespace?

Correct Answer is : Window

8. During the traversing through the stack, where does it go after it goes to the window?

Correct Answer is : Nowhere

9. During the traversing of the stack when you create a locally scoped variable, where does it go after it goes to the namespace?

Correct Answer is : Function

10. What is the function used to stop capturing the ad hoc timing ?

Correct Answer is : stopTimeLogging()

11. During the traversing of the stack when you create a locally scoped variable, where does it go after it goes to the location?

Correct Answer is : Nowhere

12. The behaviour of the instances present of a class inside a method is defined by __________

Correct Answer is : Classes

13. The keyword or the property that you use to refer to an object through which they were invoked is _________

Correct Answer is : this

14. Consider the following code snippet: var o = new F(); o.constructor === F The output would be:

Correct Answer is : TRUE

15. The basic difference between JavaScript and Java is _________

Correct Answer is : Functions are values, and there is no hard distinction between methods and fields

16. The meaning for Augmenting classes is that:

Correct Answer is : objects inherit prototype properties even in dynamic state

17. The property of JSON() method is:

Correct Answer is : it is invoked automatically by the JSON.stringify() method

18. When a class B can extend another class A, we say that:

Correct Answer is : A is the superclass and B is the subclass

19. If A is the superclass and B is the subclass, then subclass inheriting the superclass can be represented as _________

Correct Answer is : B.prototype=inherit(A);

20. The snippet that filters the filtered set is:

Correct Answer is : var t=new FilteredSet(s, {function(s) {return !(x instanceof Set);});