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Total Questions: 20

1. Which of the algorithmic languages is lexical scoping standardized in?

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

2. What is a framework?

Correct Answer is : Author time efficiency

3. Which is the function used to loop in an array to view all the values?

Correct Answer is : each()

4. Which of the following has a greater benchmark time for looping and JQuery vs core JavaScript in milliseconds?

Correct Answer is : Chrome JQuery

5. Which class provides an interface for invoking JavaScript methods and examining JavaScript properties?

Correct Answer is : JSObject

6. What is the purpose of the function eval?

Correct Answer is : Executing string as JavaScript

7. Which of the following has a lesser benchmark time for using JQuery to access DOM versus pure JavaScript in milliseconds?

Correct Answer is : Firefox JSDOM_benc

8. Which is a wrapped Java array, accessed from within JavaScript code?

Correct Answer is : JavaArray

9. What is the syntax of close method for document object?

Correct Answer is : Close()

10. How do you find the number with the highest value of x and y?

Correct Answer is : Math.max(x,y)

11. How can you find a client’s browser name?

Correct Answer is : navigator.appName

12. Which of the following is not a JavaScript framework?

Correct Answer is : DoJo

13. What is the purpose of the Math method toSource()?

Correct Answer is : Returns the string “Math”

14. Consider the following code snippet : var o = new F(); o.constructor === F The output would be :

Correct Answer is : TRUE

15. How many static methods does a Date object have?

Correct Answer is : 2

16. Which of the following are static methods in JavaScript?

Correct Answer is : Both Date.parse() and Date.UTC()

17. Scan the following code :